Fly Commands to PlutoX from an external webserver and Camera stream to server

Home Forums Drona Aviation – Drone for Education Fly Commands to PlutoX from an external webserver and Camera stream to server


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    • #4285

        Hi Team,
        We recently bought a Pluto X . We have the following use case.
        1. Pluto X will get Arm commands from external webserver ( connected to Pluxto X wifi)
        2. Pluto X will fly according to the pre written flight path ( already feed in PLuto x).
        3. On reaching destination. Pluto X will stream the video back to the same webserver.
        Note: The webserver can be a Raspberry pi or Node MCU.

        Now for these use cases we need port access to connect to Pluto X from externalserver and SDk support to stream the live feed back to webserver.
        Please let us know if you have any sample code or sdk for these kind of usecase like getting request from webserver/client , accessing camera live feed.

        Please this use case is for a MNC enterprise POC.Hence we hope to get a prompt reply from your side

      • #4286

          Hi Somnath,

          PlutoX use MSP protocol for data communication (

          To have communication with PlutoX you need to create tcp socket on
          1: For non camera WiFi- IP: Port:23
          2: For camera WiFi- IP: Port: 9060

          We have ROS module and windows visual studio project to showcase example of camera streaming. On Raspberry pi you can use linux library and api which we will provide you via email.

          Share your email id on this thread.

        • #4287

            Thanks for your prompt reply
            My email id is
            Please send the sample codes and library in this email.

          • #4289

              Thanks @VedanshiShah for the linux and window libs .
              Can you please provide me some sample ROS command input output for accessing the Camera feed. Also please let know the steps install and use the Ros package provided by you.
              Is this package similar to

            • #4290

                Hi Somnath,

                No that is for communication with drone, you can refer to this roswiki
                For camera package we haven’t yet created ros wiki. To install that package goto pluto_ros_package/ run this script. To access camera feed, start roscore . New console window start rosrun pluto_camera_sense plutocamera – this will start to get the frame from camera. Now to view the frames start rosrun pluto_image_sub imagenode – this will open the window which will stream camera feed.

              • #4295

                  HI Team and @vedanshishah,

                  Thanks for your help, I was able to stream the live videos from Pluto X using your code in a linux( ubuntu 16.04 Xenial) VM ( hosted on windows PC).

                  But I failed to use the streaming code on Raspberry PI (with ubuntu 16.04 Xenial).
                  The Library for Le WeI 720p camera provided by you is complied for Amd64 and x86-64 architecture ,hence it fails arm devices like Raspberry PI.

                  Error :
                  /home/ubuntu/catkin_ws/src/eyantra_drone/edrone_client/lib/ file not recognized: File format not recognized

         is compliled for X86-64
                  ubuntu@ubiquityrobot:~/catkin_ws/src/eyantra_drone/edrone_client/lib$ file

         ELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=c1bbbf5792946bbcea2bccc819e4b07b00a167d9, not stripped

                  Raspberri PI Architecture
                  ubuntu@ubiquityrobot:~/catkin_ws/src/eyantra_drone/edrone_client/lib$ dpkg –print-architecture


                  So please provide a Le WeI 720p camera Library for Arm architecture or you can provide me the source code ,I will cross compile it for Arm.

                • #4303

                    Hi Somanth,

                    We will send you library for arm architecture once we will build it. Please wait for some days. Thanks!!

                  • #4312

                      HI Team,

                      I tried to give a series of commands via ROS publisher to Pluto X , for moving it in a particular pattern ( take off , stay still, move forward 3 feet, move left 2 feet , yaw left (180 deg) , move forward 3 feet, stay still for 20 sec, land).
                      But I found it quite difficult to control the drone via ros pub.
                      The drone drift continuously.
                      I have few doubt the ROS controller
                      1. Does setting these values properly ensures reduce in drift
                      self.cmd.trim_roll = 0
                      self.cmd.trim_pitch = 0
                      2. If if keep self.cmd.isAutoPilotOn = 1 thought the flight how does it make difference
                      3. In the keyboard controller I see the following method is called repeatedly.
                      def reset(self):
                      self.cmd.rcRoll =1500
                      self.cmd.rcThrottle =1500
                      self.cmd.rcPitch =1500
                      self.cmd.rcYaw = 1500
                      self.cmd.commandType = 0
                      Does this method really make pluto to remain still in air
                      4. Can you provide me the set of ROS commands to achive the flight pattern mentioned above in bold

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